One of the goals of development of JSC «Russian Railways» holding is to ensure the safe traffi c of mobile units within the Russian railway network. Due to the vast territory of the Russian Federation (1/6 of the land) and the length of the railway network (2nd place in the world for length), the issue of security is a very high priority for his decision. Thousands of trains across Russia coming from «A» to point «B», and systems must ensure the safety of the train traffi c, in order not to incur losses of property and, that is more important, to safely bring people to destination. One of the potentially dangerous elements in the infrastructure of JSC «Russian Railways» is the point switch. A lot of train crashes and derailments occurs at these point switches. The reason is a human factor (improper actions of station operator or locomotive driver) or a malfunction of the point switch itself. The above reasons can be eliminated by implementation of the monitoring system for the states of various infrastructure facilities. To this date the point switch maintenance, which is performed at a certain time, is not enough. Also, in Russian regions with severe climatic conditions, the maintenance may be postponed due to weather conditions, which increases the time between the inspection and maintenance. Timely detection of pre-failure condition is especially important for increasing the railways safety. The article describes the creating of monitoring system for point switch moving parts. For example, The point switch with frog number 1/9 is taken as an example for calculations. The article considers the problems of sensor installation to control the distance between the tongue and stock rail, of building the network of sensors, as well as the description of the system operation at station. It also describes the transfer of point switch with frog number 1/9 onto the function curve and the calculation of equations for tongues. With using the methods of technical diagnostics and continuous monitoring the problem of increasing the safety of train traffi c at railways of the Russian Federation is solving.
continuous monitoring, point switch, tongues, wireless network, safety, technical diagnostics, function, sensors, requirements for point switches, railway operating rules, frog number, function curve, point switch moving parts, solar panels, radio-frequency sensors
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