Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents a brand new technology that allows to monitor the deformation processes that occur in the construction part of the hydraulic structures. It describes the characteristics of equipment developed for measurements and the principles of its operation, as well as methods of organizing the system of incoming data record keeping and analysis. The difference from all already presented developments is using of an open-source technologies and Arduino platform for software creating. The article presents a measuring complex with network structure, that provides the possibility of creating the network for effi cient management of technical state of hydraulic structures in the shortest time and at economically reasonable costs. The article also proposes the approaches for the assessment of the features of the current state of the construction part of the hydraulic structures on the basis of integral criteria. This is the foundation of reliability and uniformity within the analysis of incoming data. The article justifi es the possibility of development of a warning system, that is able to provide an effective and timely notice of unacceptable operation modes of hydraulic structures.

control systems, hydraulic structures, deformation processes, check measurements, complex analysis
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