Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The construction of new and reconstruction of existing railway lines are widely use modern measuring tools and methods of collecting geospatial data. The content and presentation of the material of this article provide the comparative analysis of different methods of obtaining the materials of topographical survey on railway infrastructure facilities (tacheometrical survey using total stations, satellite 538 Technical diagnostics and prediction equipment, surface laser scanning, as well as mobile navigation and scanner systems). During the solving of this problem the full attention was given to minimize the process of fi eld work, as well as to the completeness of information about the object of survey. The article considers the the possibility of the integration of materials of topographical surveys into specialized geoinformation systems. The article also presents the pros and cons of each of the methods used.

railway infrastructure, geospatial data, land survey equipment, tacheometer, satellite equipment, surface laser scanning, mobile navigation scanning systems
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