Ptimization of overhead costs of the facility of automation and remote control of main railway transport and in subway, in particular, results in a drop in the qualification of technical personnel. In such circumstances the maintenance of defi ned parameters of device readiness is impossible without using of automated tools for technological equipment control and requires a change of the concept of the current allowance for condition-based maintenance with monitoring of residual operation life. At the same time the monitoring system already in use should integrate harmoniously within the existing enterprise operational management system and should have decent economical parameters.The article describes the structure, capabilities, features and technical means developed NIL KSA USTU in cooperation with the Computer railway technologies center (CRTC) PSTU and replicated at the facilities of JSC «RZhD», industrial vehicles and metro lines the technical diagnostics system STD-MPK. STD-MPK is an integrated subsystem for supervisory complex of electric interlocking - EC-MPK, MPC-MPK, devices of power supply for microprocessor devices UEP-MPK (-ShPT), and KAS DU in subway. The urgency of the implementation of STD under the conditions of a reduction of investments and operating costs are mentioned in the paper. The article also gives attention to the connection diagrams for STD-MPK devices to track circuit with overlapping of signals from the system of automatic speed control (ALS-ARS), used within the facilities of automation and remote control system of metros, as well as specifi es the problems and peculiarities of measuring automatic speed control system signals of different spectrums.
technical diagnostics and remote monitoring system, object bridging device, system self-checking, analog switch, metering unit
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