Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
With the increasing complexity of railway automation and remote control devices and systems, the complexity of measuring tools also increases. They are equipped with a productive calculators (micro controller units), complex DSP (digital signal processors), or ADC (analog-to-digital coder) and also with various wired and wireless interfaces. In addition, modern portable measuring tools have advanced display devices. All abovementioned facts have an infl uence on the cost and complexity of the fi nal product.The article proposes an approach to the realization of the measuring tool on the basis of a mobile device (smartphone, tablet). Due to the use of this approach it is possible to signifi cantly reduce the manufacturing cost of measuring tools. The developed analysis device of signals, transmitted within track circuit, with lower manufacturing cost than commercial counterparts and capability of functional expansion can be considered as an evidence of the effi ciency of such solution. At the fi rst stage of development reference signals simulation process was covered for different codes of continuous automatic train signaling (CATS), that is important while creating a device for automatic analysis of codes characteristics of track circuits. The article provides the review of existing measuring tools. The model of CATS parameter controlling device are developing on the base of the smartphone. It is expected that this new device will use a smartphone with special software to information display. Such structure will reduce the product costs, and will open up great opportunities for analysis of obtained information because modern smartphones are highly productive.

continuous automatic train signaling, CATS parameter control device, code testing, smartphone
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