Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article the questions of optimization of technical service systems of railway automatics taking into account the cost of their exploitation and loss from the failure to train them on the job sites of the railroads. Analyzed the known me-thods of optimization of technical service systems automation. Showed possibility to reduce total intensity of the protective failures, including the intensity of the sud-den, gradual and after servicing failures, by changing the frequency of preventive maintenance. Found the solution to the optimization problem in operational costs when considering the costs of planned maintenance in service-level systems, the cost of restoration of working capacity of devices and damage to train work from failures. It is shown that the use of such optimal frequency of maintenance increases the safety of train movement by reducing the infl uence after servicing failures. Consideration time redundancy allows you to set the optimization problem to determine the rational degree of complexity of the devices used for automatic monitoring and diagnosis or complexity of preventive maintenance depending on the congestion of trains of the railway. Optimization of maintenance of systems by criteria of reliabi-lity requires setting the value of the availability and use the method of undetermined multipliers of Lagrange or the method of balancing sensitivities. It was determined that the problem of optimization of maintenance of systems on techno-economic criteria can be solved by using the methods of linear and dynamic programming.

the automation system, maintenance services, objective function, managed parameters, constraints, methods of optimization, movement of trains, technical servicing of the optimal frequency of works, time redundancy, the criteria of reliability, technical and economic criteria
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