Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Authors describe principles of formation and equipment for transmission of data to monitoring center for transport traffic on rail crossings on semi-automatic line block safety improvement. Data about automatic level crossing operation collected by signal point diagnostic machine (ADSU-24/16) is transmitted to the data hub of diagnostic and monitoring central offi ce (CPDM) using GSM-channel. Rail crossing relay cabinet contains GSM-modem connected to information collecting devices by RS-485 interface; CPDM room contains GSM-router, interacting with the hub by Ethernet.It is shown on the example of relay automatic signaling that under the absence of physical link and clock duty of traffi c control service personnel on the rail crossing digital signals from relays and analog signals from operating devices are being collected automatically. Principal schematics of information transmission could be the initial data for NSI formation within APK-DK software adaptation.

interface, router, barrier, monitoring, controller, manipulating sequence, RMS, phase-manipulated package, LED signal, data hub, audio frequency track circuit, diagnostic machine
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