Russian Federation
This article examines the particularities of using the bridge converter circuit to control AC motors in railway automation computer systems. Special attention is paid to assessing the coefficient of effi ciency of converter circuit, and the article shows, that using of low-frequency modes of power tongs can signifi cantly improve the effi ciency of using converters within interface loops. Also, the article suggests a technical solution for the implementation of the five-wire control circuits for AC motors, which is a fi ve-phase bridge mapping circuit. As part of this work a brief overview of modern electronic components, used to design inverters is carries out, and there is an assessment of electronic components in terms of the selectivity of similar components. In addition, the problems of using within the functional generators the electromagnetic relay, that improve the reliability and electrical safety of equipment, are covered.
functional generator, electric drive, three-phase induction motor, safe control, inverter, bridge circuit, efficiency coefficient, pulse-width modulation, insulated gate transistors, compact relay, mechanical circuit opening
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