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Abstract (English):
Appointment of the second (third) of a large polling station of master-on-duty due to the interlocking modernization that needs to provide them with means of information and interlocking control for objects which means necessity to determine the boundaries of controlled zones. Lack of appropriate guides makes taking wrong project decisions concerning the operator’s workplace that remains unchanged after the project has been implemented. These create uneven workload for masters-on-duty and cause the wrong decisions making and mistakes. The paper deals with a method for integrated assessment of the functions and control zones distribution between the operational staff of the polling stations based on a set of quantitative criteria; theirs «weight» being determined by the difference between maximum and minimum values for each criterion.

polling stations, electric interlocking, functions and control zones, operational staff, functions and control zones distribution, criteria for distribution evaluation, quantitative way to determine the criteria «weights», integrated criterion for variants evaluation
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