Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes a method of estimating the quality of operation of automation and remote control equipment of JSC “Russian Railways”, considering the sudden failure, as well as the consequences of failure of signaling, interlocking and blocking devices from the point of view of economic ef fi ciency and of providing a given level of traf fi c and carrying capacities. Particular attention is paid to the calculation of planned reliability, which is based on standardization of the number of failures allowed under taking into account the specifi c conditions for a given section, station, distance, or as a whole. The article states three main objectives of reliability performance management of railway automation and remote control systems, on the basis of which it is possible to examine the efficiency of the system by determining the degree of conformity of the actual result of the process to the required one, and to make a conclusion about the efficienc y of the regulation process of train traffic on a given section of the railway.

reliability, quality, failure, railway automation and remote control, efficiency of operation, train traffic management, RAMS, construction and operating costs, economic damage
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