Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Goal: review of the current situation and perspective directions for the development of technology for testing electrical energy storage systems based on lithium-ion batteries. Methods: using literature analysis, a review and systematization of the history of lithium-ion battery system monitoring technology development was conducted and the advantages and disadvantages of the most common state of charge (SOC) methods were compared. Results: lithium-ion battery systems represent an inevitable trend in the future of electrochemical energy storage. To increase their stability and economic efficiency, it is necessary that diagnostic systems allow the internal parameters of the battery to be determined with sufficient accuracy and the types of faults to be quickly determined. In the future, research in this area will continue to improve the accuracy of data acquisition systems and create accurate digital battery models. Practical significance: a review and systematization of the history of development of technology for monitoring the condition of lithium-ion battery systems was carried out in order to identify current problems and promising directions for future research in this area.

electrical energy storage systems, lithium-ion battery diagnostic technology, battery management systems ampere-time integration method, open circuit voltage method second order RC equivalent circuit model, data acquisition systems, digital battery model
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