Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 620.179.14 Магнитные методы. Индукционные методы
Objective: to compare the readings of the residual magnetization of the outer ring of the bearing with its different orientation with respect to the magnetizing field on the example of the UMDP-01 installation. To show in practice the inefficiency of using the technology of demagnetization of the outer rings of the bearings of axle boxes when they are located in a horizontal plane. Methods: comparison of the obtained values of the residual magnetization by direct measurements during demagnetization of the outer rings in the horizontal and vertical planes with respect to the magnetic field. In practice, the same conditions for magnetization and demagnetization of the same outer ring were observed by passing a pulsed current through the solenoid and the contact rod in the magnetization mode and gradually reducing the alternating current in the solenoid for the demagnetization mode. Results: the experiment showed that the values of the residual magnetization of the outer ring during the full cycle of its demagnetization in the horizontal plane on the UMDP-01 installation are higher than when it is demagnetized in the vertical plane. The vertical placement of the ring in the center of the solenoid allowed it to be demagnetized from the first time in position A with an incomplete demagnetization cycle. Practical significance: the article shows that the technology of demagnetization of bearing rings in the horizontal plane, as required by the operating manual 9402.00.000 RE, often leads to a violation of the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of permissible values of residual magnetization. Demagnetization of the outer rings in the vertical plane will lead to full satisfaction of the requirements of regulatory documents, increase the productivity of magnetic powder control in general by reducing the demagnetization cycle and simplifying technological transitions associated with the complexity of installing the object of control in the horizontal plane.
Demagnetization, residual magnetization, bearing outer ring, axle box, wheelset, magnetic installation UMDP-01, solenoid, alternating current, pulse current
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