Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective: to consider the issue of diagnostics of modern diesel engines, in particular vibration diagnostics. Consider modern strategies and methods based on vibroacoustic signals that allow you to track and diagnose diesel engine malfunctions, as well as an assessment of the working process in the engine. To determine which means of measuring vibration parameters and methods of processing vibration signals can be considered the most reliable and informative. Propose to make adjustments to the currently used methods of processing vibration signals. Methods: comparison of the effectiveness of vibration measurement tools and mathematical methods of vibration signal processing. Results: the necessity of choosing mathematical methods of vibration signal processing is indicated, both for individual components of a diesel locomotive engine and for evaluating the workflow. Modern mathematical methods, applied to vibration diagnostics, require updating, due to an increase in computing power, as well as due to the development of powerful signal processing methods. To increase the reliability of the comparison results, it is necessary to take into account the large variability of the components and processes of the diesel engine. The need for additional study of modern mathematical methods of vibration signal processing is revealed. Practical importance: the necessity of introducing more modern methods of vibration signal processing is shown, which will optimize the durability of the components’ design using long operating cycles, reduce maintenance costs, track the service life of the internal combustion engine during the operation of the locomotive, improve the monitoring and diagnostics systems of the locomotive engine. The presented methods of assessing the use of certain methods of vibration diagnostics for diesel locomotives can be recommended for practical use.

diagnostics, diesel locomotive, diesel engine, vibration diagnostics, vibration acoustic control
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