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Abstract (English):
Objective: in order to improve safety, as well as optimize the path of movement in everyday life to reduce the time on the road, there are now more and more prerequisites for the introduction of highly automated and fully automated vehicles into various spheres of human life. This will optimize and improve the road system of the country as a whole, and most importantly — reduce accidents and, consequently, improve road safety. When implementing these vehicles, it is necessary to develop an algorithm for communication between different road users under different conditions and distances between objects. Methods: this study uses simulation modeling methods, the method of tabular and graphical data display, the method of factor analysis, methods of model experiment, as well as the method of expert assessments. Results: within the framework of the work, an algorithm has been developed for transmitting messages with different content and priority information between two highly automated / fully automated vehicles or a vehicle with an automated state infrastructure using various communication channels, as well as a simulation model based on it, which was created in the AnyLogic modeling environment. The use of different priorities allows you to guarantee the minimum delivery time of the most important messages containing information for vehicle management. As a result of the simulation, histograms of the probabilistic-temporal characteristics of the transmission of messages of various priorities and messages confirming their delivery were obtained using various communication channels. Practical significance: the simulation results make it possible to assess the quality and time of message delivery under specified conditions and to ensure effective transmission of information by changing the intensity and size of messages, the use of various communication channels and their speeds, and so on.

automation, vehicle, simulation modeling, communication channel, digitalization, automated vehicle, communication network
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