Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: to develop scientific and technical proposals and requirements for building sources of synchrosignals and messages of a single time for the integrated system of synchronization and delivery of the time scale depending on the requirements in frequency-time support signals and the current communication chain architecture in the framework of solving a unified synchronization system in phase time and the frequency in large territorially distributed and industrial technological systems. Methods: the applied research methods include the fundamental provisions of the theory of constructing synchronization systems, as well as infocommunication systems and networks. Results: a functional model of a united source of the integrated system of synchronization and delivery of the time scale, which includes a complete set of elements to perform the functions of synchronization and delivery of single-time signals in existing and promising complex heterogeneous networks with various architecture and heterogeneous equipment that differs from the existing fully taking into account the existing ones in Currently, technologies for delivery of single time and frequency signals, both on the basis of switching packages and on the basis of switching of channels. The proposed functional model of the united source of the integrated system of synchronization and delivery of the time scale will allow to reasonably approach the design of the means of transmitting and delivering single time and frequency signals to various and heterogeneous communication networks, taking into account all the needs for frequency-time support signals and limiting existing communication networks. Practical significance: the use of sources of single-time and frequency signals, which are based on the proposed functional model, will ensure a flexible infrastructure to ensure the unity of the unity of the unified time and clock network synchronization necessary for the correct functioning of communication equipment; Satisfy the requirements of synchronization signals and uniform messages for promising and existing consumers as much as possible; ensure the possibility of a phased transition of the construction of communication networks from the technologies of the channels to the technology of switching packages due to flexibility in the use of routes and transmission systems necessary for the spread of synchrosignals and uniform messages.

clock network synchronization, a single time system, frequency and temporal support, telecommunication system, complex synchronization system, time scale
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