Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: the temperatures at which soils begin to freeze during the onset of frost are of interest primarily to agricultural workers and construction workers. It was previously established that many factors influence soil freezing. However, not enough research has been carried out on the influence of individual factors on the freezing process. The article examines the influence of soil moisture on their supercooling and freezing temperatures. Methods: the studies were carried out in a microrefrigerator with three freezing modes. Results: it was found that with constant shaking, the supercooling temperature increased, but the freezing temperature did not change. Graphic dependences of the temperatures of supercooling and freezing of soils on the initial humidity were obtained. The degree of soil compaction did not affect these temperatures. The temperatures of supercooling and freezing of soils depend to a greater extent on the dispersion of soils than on the content of organic substances in them. Practical significance: the results of the work are important for construction as they expand the understanding of the features of the mechanism of soil freezing.

soil supercooling, soil, soil freezing, cooling regimes, soil water, supercooling temperature, humidity
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