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Abstract (English):
Objective: analytical investigation of the potential use of hemihydrate (CaSO4 · 0.5H2O) and dihydrate (CaSO4 · 2H2O) calcium sulfate — phosphogypsum — a waste in the production of mineral fertilizers, as a construction material for the construction of roads, soil structures, material for the restoration of roads in the areas of repair of utility networks, as well as unloading of developed landfills for the storage of waste from processing phosphorus ores of chemical enterprises operating in the Russian Federation. Methods: analysis of the current situation at landfills of industrial enterprises, analysis of the knowledge of the issue of utilization and processing of phosphogypsum, as well as analytical (calculation) assessment of the possibility of replacing bulk materials (sand, crushed stone) with phosphogypsum common in construction. Results: this article discusses issues related to the assessment of the possibility of using phosphogypsum with a decrease in its local concentration in the zones of its application, as well as with the use of waste stored at landfills for many years. The considered options for prospective use of the material, which make it possible not only to preserve, but also to increase the operational characteristics of roads and other soil structures, while eliminating the potentially harmful effect of the material during operation associated with its dusting during storage. Practical significance: analysis of the current situation indicates that due to the active production in the Russian Federation, a huge amount of waste from such production — phosphogypsum — accumulates on the territory of industrial enterprises engaged in the processing of phosphorus ores and landfills assigned to these enterprises. The annual utilization of phosphogypsum at such enterprises is estimated at hundreds of thousands and millions of tons — huge dumps are formed, which pose a danger both from the point of view of groundwater pollution and from the point of view of man-made safety. With such large volumes of concentrated storage, the volumes of substances entering the soil and groundwater may repeatedly exceed the permissible values, but at the same time, with a lower concentration, the ingress of these substances into the soil may not only not harm the environment, but also have a positive effect in terms of increasing yield. The use of waste from such production facilities in road construction will solve the problems associated with the disposal of phosphogypsum.

waste processing, secondary raw materials, building materials, phosphogypsum, road bases, permafrost
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