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Abstract (English):
When synthesizing self-checking digital devices based on Boolean correction of signals, it is proposed to use weight-based Bose – Lin codes, the construction principles of which imply preliminary weighting of data symbols by natural numbers. Two “basic” structures are proposed for the synthesis of built-in control circuits for groups of six outputs of the diagnostic object. The structures are based on weight-based Bose – Lin codes with summation in the residue ring modulo M=4. There are 15 such noise-protected codes with the number of data symbols m=4, which allows to select the best option as a base code in the builtin control circuit according to various criteria, including achieving self-checking properties even in cases where this cannot be achieved using traditional approaches, including duplication. Two algorithms for the synthesis of built-in control circuits based on Boolean signal correction have been developed, allowing the use of correction of only two of the six functions in the basic structure. For basic structures, there are 720 ways to construct an integrated control circuit based on Boolean correction of signals using each weight-based Bose – Lin code, which makes it possible to choose the best way to implement a self-checking device, considering various indicators (structural redundancy, testability, etc.). The operation of the algorithms is demonstrated on simple examples. The results of experiments with test digital circuits from the MCNC Benchmars set confirming the efficiency of the developed algorithms are given. It is shown that with a large number of outputs, there is an astronomical number of ways to organize built-in control circuits, which makes it possible to build self-checking devices with various characteristics. The use of Boolean correction of signals using weight-based Bose – Lin codes can be used in the development and design of self-checking digital devices on various element bases.

testing of digital circuits, self-checking device, built-in control circuit, Boolean signal correction, weighted code with summation, weighted Bose – Lin code
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