Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Limitations of the infrastructure of the transport and logistics complex today are an acute problem in their work, which negatively affects labor productivity and requires scientific development. The work proposes one of the ways to solve the problem, which can become a fundamental impetus for building the final solution to the problem of infrastructure limitations of the transport and logistics complex, through the introduction of other scientific and applied disciplines, such as mathematics, modeling, etc. To consider the issue of applying a synergetic approach, in the context of synergetics as an interdisciplinary scientific method in solving the problem of infrastructure limitations of the transport and logistics complex. To show the necessity and relevance of using this method in solving the problem. To reveal the tools, factors and methods of their application in the problem of limitations of the infrastructure of the transport and logistics complex. Methods: The basic principles and factors of synergy in the issue of system limitations are revealed, and the main tools of the synergetic approach in the issue of infrastructure limitations of the transport and logistics complex are presented. Results: The necessary tools for overcoming the limitations of the infrastructure of the transport and logistics complex are indicated, and the factors influencing the stumbling blocks to solving the problem of infrastructure limitations are also shown. The conclusion is drawn that this conceptual approach will be the fundamental stone in finding a way to solve the formed problem through other scientific and applied disciplines, such as modeling, mathematics, etc. Practical significance: The necessity of using a synergetic approach and its methods in solving the problem of infrastructure limitations of the transport and logistics complex is shown. Their use will improve the identification of ways to solve the problem and more accurately form a view of a specific logistics link, which should be adjustable in the system of restrictions. The work can be recommended for practical use.

Transport, logistics, complex, infrastructure, limitations, overcoming, synergetics
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