Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To address the issue of linking education and industry, through the model of the quality of engineering activities in additional professional education for engineers in the preparation of highly qualified personnel. To demonstrate the feasibility of using a neural network to develop methodological foundations for the preparation of highly qualified personnel. Methods: A model for the learning process has been proposed, utilizing a neural network and the chatbot “Valera” for the preparation of highly qualified personnel. Results: An example of successful experience in applying the electronic educational and methodological complex “Competent Metrologist” and its methodological foundations in the system of additional professional education for engineers and the preparation of highly qualified personnel is provided. Practical significance: The necessity of using a neural network in the process of personnel training is demonstrated. Positive experience in implementing ideas and approaches to creating a neural network for the chatbot “Valera” and its methodological foundations in the system of additional professional education for engineers has been realized in the electronic educational and methodological complex “Competent Metrologist”. The proposed approaches to education can be recommended for practical implementation.

Neural network, chatbot, model, quality, engineering activities, additional professional education, preparation of highly qualified personnel
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