Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Purpose: To analyze the existing devices for autonomous continuous monitoring, alerting and elimination of dangerous gas level in the room. To analyze and form a proposal of a device for autonomous monitoring of gas level concentration in a battery room. Methods: Search and study of the patents for devices of autonomous continuous monitoring, alerting and elimination of dangerous gas level in the room, comparing the characteristics and working principles of these devices. Review of relevant articles and developments. Results: The paper presents an analysis of existing devices for autonomous continuous monitoring, alerting and elimination of hazardous indoor gas levels, along with comments on the shortcomings of existing devices. A proposal for a new monitoring device, developed and substantiated, is provided in the paper. Practical significance: The analysis conducted has revealed the necessity of creating a new device for autonomous continuous monitoring, alerting, and elimination of hazardous gas levels in battery rooms due to the imperfections and unsuitability of existing devices for battery rooms.
Gas analyzers, hydrogen batteries, battery rooms, traction substations, continuous monitoring, digital railroad, automation, safety
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