Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
During the special operation in 2022, more than 60 railway runs have been carried out to evacuate wounded servicemen to military medical organizations, including transportation by rail. The rolling stock used for the military sanitary train does not fully meet the modern requirements for equipping with information and telecommunication systems, and, therefore, does not contribute to the effective use of military sanitary train for its intended purpose. Purpose: To consider the issue of improving the equipment of MST communication facilities and improving information and communication support for the passenger fleet of railway transport used for medical evacuation needs. Methods: Methods of system analysis and operations research theory have been used. Results: A prospective model for information exchange among personnel within the MST has been developed. The main requirements for communication and information support means for medical evacuation by rail have been determined. An algorithm of tasks has been formulated for further organizational and methodological research on the implementation of information and telecommunication technologies, including measures for developing tactical and technical requirements for communication means of military medical train personnel. Practical significance: Requirements for communication and information support means for medical evacuation by rail have been identified. These requirements are to be used in the course of experimental and design work on the development of an information and telecommunication complex for the military medical train.

Military sanitary train, means of communication, infotelecommunication systems, medical evacuation by rail, control system of military-sanitary train
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