Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To study the statistical significance of many factors: the initial temperature of the soil sample T0, humidity ω, confining pressure σ3 and loading frequency f on the deformation parameters of thawing soils by the method of orthogonal tests. Based on the method of weight analysis, to study the influence of the weight of various factors on the results of dynamic triaxial tests. To set the regression equation for the deformation parameters. Method: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is used to test the statistical significance of factors based on orthogonal tests. Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the influence weights of factors on test results are determined through matrix calculations. Results: Test factors: T0, ω, σ3 and f have strong statistical significance for test results. The influence of humidity on test results is more than 50%. The multiple linear regression equation fits the test results well. Practical significance: The orthogonal testing method, based on ANOVA and AHP, has the advantage expressed in a small number of trials, a wide coverage of factors, and the analysis of influence weights. The results of ANOVA and weight analysis show that moisture has the greatest influence on the deformation of the subgrade of thawing soils. During the operation of the subgrade, changes in soil moisture must be strictly controlled to prevent engineering accidents.

Deformation characteristics, thawing soil, Analysis of Variance, Analytic Hierarchy Process, experimental study
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