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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To estimate the properties of heptyl and its effect on the human body and the environment. To provide an overview of the sphere of heptyl application and the features of its transportation by rail. To consider the structural features of the model 15-629 tank car and to perform a calculation to select the optimal crosssectional area for the inlet opening of the relief valve to enhance safety during the transportation of heptyl by the model 15-629 tank car. Methods: To calculate the inner and outer surface areas of the tank shell using the technical characteristics of the six-axis multi-unit tank-car of model 15-629. Next, we will calculate the mass air flow rate through the inlet relief valve and determine the heat transfer occurring due to the external heat dissipation from the tank shell into the surrounding environment. These data are necessary to estimate the equivalent diameter of the inlet relief valve orifice. Results: Thanks to the calculations performed, a more suitable diameter of the inlet safety valve orifice has been determined. This will ensure a safer transportation of highly toxic liquid rocket fuel components used in both Russian launch vehicles (“Kosmos”, “Cyclone”, “Proton”) and international ones (such as American “Titan” rockets, French launch vehicles of the “Ariane”, Chinese rockets of the “Long March” family, and others). Practical significance: Hydrazine-based propellants are more energy-efficient compared to hydrocarbon-based propellants, which has led to an increased usage of Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) in recent years. Due to the rapid growth of space industry, the volume of heptyl transportation by railway has been increasing. In order to prevent technological disasters, calculations have been conducted to determine the diameter of the inlet relief valve to minimize depressurization of the tank car, regardless of temperature conditions.

Transportation of heptyl, railroad transport, security valve of the tank car, calculation of the diameter of the inlet safety valve orifice, heptyl properties
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