Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To analyze a ScopeRail model capable of predicting re-radiated noise and vibration in structures located in close proximity to rail lines. To compare the obtained results with an alternative, widely used model for accuracy assessment and the potential cost reduction of assessing the impact of vibrations on residential areas for new railway lines. Methods: To perform statistical analysis of the obtained data for modeling vibration of different types of ground. To calculate simulation results in order to create a database of vibration characteristics for different ground conditions, train speeds and distances from the track. Results: The results obtained have been analyzed and compared with an alternative, widely used model for determining accuracy. It is found that the ScopeRail model yields higher prediction accuracy, which can potentially reduce the cost of assessing the impact of vibrations on residential areas for new rail lines. A model is obtained which can instantly predict the vibration and re-radiated noise levels for different types of soil at different speeds of passing trains. Practical significance: Re-radiated vibration and noise model for the spaces in buildings immediately adjacent to the railroad track has been developed using a set of empirically obtained factors. Vibration and noise impacts have also been modeled using additional vibroacoustic mitigation measures (slabs and ballast mats) as well as vibration excitation parameters (switches, crossings and wheel stoppers).

Vibration, re-radiated noise, soil depth, wave velocity, accuracy, soil
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