Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To examine existing methods of processing and recycling waste from the metallurgical industry, to elucidate their classification. To touch upon the negative impact of the metallurgical industry, in particular, of the waste generated from its activities on geosystems. To present technological solutions for addressing the issue of weak soils through their initial stabilization and subsequent reinforcement, specifically for urban infrastructure objects in the Russian Federation. Methods: Various technologies for the complex processing of solid waste from metallurgy have been developed, some of them have been implemented on an industrial scale abroad. We develop such technologies at the level of research and semi-industrial tests. Results: A distinctive feature of soils reinforced with solid wastes of metallurgy is that structure formation and strength development occur both in air-dry and in humid environments. These wastes effectively strengthen soils of different granulometric and chemical-mineralogical composition. As shown by laboratory studies and supporting construction, soils reinforced with this complex waste are suitable for constructing pavement structural layers. When strengthening sandy soils, a purely mechanical penetration and enveloping of soil particles (due to the small amount of clay particles) occurs without the formation of a strong spatial structure. Practical significance: The possibility of using waste from metallurgical production to strengthen weak soils is shown, and these new methods can be recommended for practical use.

Metallurgical enterprises, blast-furnace slag, processing, secondary material resources, technogenic waste, clay soils, stability
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