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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to present the results of developing a method for formalizing simulation models of railway automation and remote control systems as queuing systems with a rigidly regulated sequence of using service devices while processing streams of requests of various types. For the software implementation of simulation models with such properties, the GPSS World tool is traditionally used. The logical time formalization is proposed, and the concept of the proposed formalization of simulation models is formulated. Its main provisions include: the type of request is determined solely by the composition and sequence of occupation and release of servicing devices; the use of transaction parameters to organize their multiphase processing for each type of request; checking the value of Boolean functions for each procedure of processing requests for each type; the regulated time in the procedure of processing requests is considered as one of the many logical conditions of Boolean functions; logical and parametric description of the modeled system should be performed at the level of initial data without changing the text of the modeling program. Objects in GPSS World sufficient for implementing this concept have been identified. Using the selected objects, an alphabet has been compiled, and logical diagrams of modeling algorithms have been developed in the obtained alphabet. This serves as a demonstration of the application of the logical time concept for the formalization of simulation models of complex queuing systems. A GPSS program has been developed to confirm the possibility and feasibility of using the proposed method for formalizing simulation models of railway automation systems with a rigid structure.

railway automation and remote control systems, queuing systems with a rigid structure, simulation model, Boolean functions, model formalization, logical algo¬rithm schemes
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