Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article demonstrates that specialized devices play a significant role in transportation control systems, and they are developed based on the application of pneumatic elements (pneumonics). By using fluidic and other flow-based pneumatic elements and devices, it becomes possible, in certain cases, to perform automatic control functions in the most rational manner. In certain operating conditions, this method of control is the only feasible option, for example, where electronic control systems cannot operate. The analysis of the prospects for the use of control devices based on pneumatics has led to the conclusion that it is advisable to use them in automatic control systems for certain types of transportation. This is particularly relevant for hydro- and pneumatic transport, devices for moving on an air cushion, and mechanisms with aerohydrodynamic operating fluid. Due to the specific requirements imposed on control systems, besides standard elements, non-standard elements, particularly power aerohydrodynamic pneumatic components, should be employed. It has been determined that one of the reasons for the limited use of pneumatic components in specialized transportation control systems is the challenges in developing more effective designs for power elements. The processes of flow interaction in pneumatic components are complex and not sufficiently studied. This poses a problem when selecting the optimal geometry of components to achieve improved characteristics. To achieve this, it is necessary to replace empirical methods with their elements of randomness with methods that have a more substantial justification. Currently, an effective solution to this problem is possible through the use of simulation modeling of aerohydrodynamic flows using specialized software tools. Based on simulation modeling within the ANSYS Fluent software environment, the operational processes and aerodynamic flows in pneumatic power elements have been analyzed. As a result of the modeling, elements have been developed for use in transportation control systems. The developed elements have optimized dimensional, energy-related characteristics, and operational modes. The application of pneumatic elements obtained through modeling allows for the improvement of the technical and economic characteristics of specialized transportation control systems.

pneumonics, specialized control systems, simulation modeling, pneumatic power element, flow interaction, switching process
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