Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is dedicated to the research and improvement of the design of a compact universal point motor (EMSU) and the fundamental control block scheme of the electric motor. The universal voltage and rotor rotation frequency motor EMSU has been developed as a replacement for commonly used direct current and alternating current motors, such as MSP, DPS, MST, and MSA types. The universality of EMSU leads to its widespread implementation in the railway networks of the Russian Federation. The lack of publicly available information on the construction features of the electric motor and the fundamental control block scheme has led to the necessity of conducting an independent analysis of its design. In the process of work, the EMSU has been disassembled, followed by an analysis of its mechanical and electrical components. Assembly and analysis of statistical information on its various types of failures have been performed, and suggestions for improving the design of the electric motor have been developed.

electric motor, microprocessor control system, rectifier, stand-alone voltage inverter, electronic switch
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