Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To develop scientific and technical solutions for constructing a comprehensive synchronization system and delivery of the time scale, which includes subsystems of network clock synchronization (NCS) and unified time (UT), as a unified timekeeping system addressing the challenges of frequency, time, and phase synchronization in large-scale distributed technological purpose systems. Methods: Research methods are based on the fundamental provisions of the theory of systems and the theory of decision-making. Results: A methodology for the formation of a comprehensive synchronization system and the delivery of a time scale is proposed, which is characterized by an integrated approach to building unified time and frequency systems in the communication networks of the technological segment, the independence of the types of generator equipment used and the means of delivery of NCS and UT signals, as well as meeting the requirements of potential consumers of frequency and time services. The proposed methodology for the formation of a comprehensive synchronization system and delivery of a time scale will allow to reasonably approach building systems for delivering unified time and frequency signals in complex heterogeneous communication networks. Practical significance: Solutions based on the presented methodology will allow the provision of an infrastructure independent of external communication operators to ensure the unity of network clock synchronization and unified time. This is necessary for the correct operation of telecommunication equipment of the technological communication network. The methodology will also meet the needs for providing a full range of synchronization and unified time signal services to existing and prospective consumers. Additionally, it will enable a gradual transition of the organization of communication networks from channel-swithching to packet-oriented technologies due to a flexible approach to the routes and transmission systems used for the distribution of synchronization signals and unified time.

Telecommunication system, network clock synchronization, a unified time system, frequency and time provision, time scale, complex synchronization system
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