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Abstract (English):
Purpose: Study of the hydrological conditions for the formation of phytocenoses on reclaimed colliery spoil heaps. The state of the formed phytocenosis on the surface of the reclaimed colliery spoil heap has been studied. Experiments have been carried out in field conditions to determine the permeability of the spoil material of the reclaimed spoil heap. The influence of hydrological conditions on the formation of phytocenoses in quasinatural landscapes is analyzed. Methods: Analysis of the state of the phytocenosis of the reclaimed spoil heap with the determination of the water permeability of the spoil material. Results: It has been established that the productivity of phytocenoses on reclaimed spoil heaps of coal mines directly depends on the hydrological properties of the formed soils, and is more effective in areas where the process of soil formation is almost completed. Practical significance: It is shown that the most favorable hydrological conditions on the surface of the reclaimed colliery spoil heaps contribute to the formation of phytocenoses at the level of natural landscapes.

Mine, slag heap, spoil heap, quasi-natural landscape, phytocenosis, water permeability, slope, spoil material, soil
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