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Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the issue of the state of the problem of collection, disposal and impact of used coolants on the environment, primarily from road transport. To show the need for recycling of spent cooling liquids, the search for new compositions of cooling liquids and the intensification of the collection of spent antifreeze from the population. Methods: Comparing the characteristics of main coolants, highlighting their advantages and drawbacks on the stage of efficiency reduction. Analysis of the types of contaminants accumulating in spent antifreeze. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of typical methods for purifying spent coolants. Analysis of the growth of sources of anthropogenic impact in the considered area. Results: The most important characteristics of coolants have been established. The most characteristic types of contaminants contained in antifreeze are identified and the most suitable methods of their regeneration are given. The high relevance of the considered problem of the circulation of spent antifreeze as a result of the rapid growth of motorization of the population in the absence of proper control by the state is noted. The necessity of searching for new safe antifreezes while maintaining the target qualities of coolants is revealed. Practical significance: The necessity of revising the attitude to antifreeze in terms of assessing their danger to the environment is shown. The ways of improving the handling of waste coolant solutions in terms of intensifying their collection from enterprises and the public are outlined. It has also been noted that it is necessary to search for new solutions of cooling liquids with a lower content of harmful substances in them to protect humans and the environment.

Coolants, environment, tosol coolant, antifreeze, ethylene glycol, hazard class, disposal
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