Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the problems of experimental determination of elastic and strength properties of largediameter composite polymer glass fiber reinforced plastic rebar (FRP-rebar). To analyze the state of the issue, to make an overview of existing methods for determining elastic and strength properties of FRP-rebar. To show the necessity of developing methods of predicting the large-diameter FBR-rebar elastic and strength properties by means of indirect measurement methods. To carry out a series of tensile tests of FRP-rebar and to calculate the elastic-strength characteristics values using the rule of mixtures for composite materials. To make a comparative study of data obtained by experimental and analytical methods. Methods: Comparative analysis of the FRP-rebar elastic-strength characteristics calculated values with experimental data. Results: The need to improve the existing regulatory method for determining the elastic-strength characteristics of composite reinforcement bars is indicated. Calculation formulas of analytical prediction of the ultimate tensile strength and elastic modulus of FRP-rebar have been established. The calculated values obtained have been verified. The need of additional tests to build a statistical database has been identified. Practical significance: The proposed method for indirect measurement of FBR-rebar properties can be recommended for further experimental testing to reduce the risk of obtaining error values of elastic and strength characteristics of largediameter FRP-rebar when conducting direct experiments.

Fiber reinforced plastic rebar (FRP-rebar), strength properties, FBR-rebar anisotropic properties, the rule of mixtures, experimental studies, axial tensile tests
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