Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To investigate the application of dynamic vibration dampers in communication tower structures to protect them from the effects of wind loads. Methods: To analyze the design features of existing tower structures. To consider the effect of various factors including wind loads on the choice of tower structure design. To analyze the climatic parameters of the construction area and to determine the type of tower structure as the subject for conducting this research. To determine the quality criteria of vibration damping, on the basis of which the selection of design dynamic vibration dampener (DVD) construction is carried out, and to calculate its weight. To conduct the calculation study of the selected type of building with regard to wind loads and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution of the dynamic vibration dampener to increase the stability of communication tower structures in areas with wind gusts over 25 m/s. Results: The results of the research of dynamic vibration dampener design aimed at improvement of operating conditions of telecommunication facilities in the areas with increased wind load are presented. Practical significance: It is shown that the use of dynamic vibration dampers in tower constructions of cellular communication makes it possible to reduce the vibration amplitude and the maximum horizontal displacements occurring in the tower structure under wind load.

Structures, tower structures, wind loads, dynamic damper, cellular towers
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