Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: The purpose is to highlight the state of the issue on the design and construction of domestic bridge structures for high-speed railways (HSR) and to develop proposals for structural and technical solutions for multi-span bridge structures of the overpass type, ensuring the operation of overpasses outside the resonance conditions. Methods: The method of analysis of structural and technological solutions of foreign bridge structures on HSR lines and design developments of domestic designers has been used. Results: The generalization of the world and domestic experience in the design and construction of the HSR infrastructure given in the article allows us to develop certain recommendations for the design and construction of bridge structures on the HSR in Russia. The relevance of the topic lies in the need to obtain data required for the construction of bridge facilities on the HSR in domestic conditions, since we do not have our own HSR yet. Practical significance: The article describes the design features of bridge structures on the HSR, the requirements for artificial structures operating in conditions of high-speed train traffic, describes bridge structures built abroad, as well as project and design developments of domestic design organizations. An assessment is given to some of the bridge facilities of the HSR built in Germany, South Korea, Spain. The high level of unique bridge structures of the HSR built in recent years in China is particularly emphasized. Proposals have been developed for structural and technological solutions of bridge multi-span regular structures in the form of overpasses based on the prevention of resonant effects in the “train — bridge” system during the movement of rolling stock at high speeds. The conclusion is made about the ability of the domestic bridge community to successfully solve the problems associated with the construction of bridge structures for domestic high-sp eed railways.

High-speed railway, bridge construction, requirements for HSR bridges, multi-span overpass, foreign experience, resonant effect
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