Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Justification and development of new resource-saving technologies aimed at utilization of coal bed methane. The problem of low efficiency of utilization of lean methane-air mixtures is primarily due to the low content of methane itself, which varies significantly depending on the type of coal or concentration. This paper discusses the concept of a co-production system that mixes low-methane methane-air mixtures and biogas to generate power. Methods: Analysis of the possible volumes of utilized methane, biogas requirements and the suitability of the primary feedstock for co-generation of heat and electricity. Selection of appropriate parameters for the processes of utilization of mine methane. Analysis of the merits of the proposed method of utilization of lean coal mine methane. Results: It is recommended that biogas produced by agriculture and forestry in the vicinity of the mines be added to the dry methane stream to obtain the necessary gas concentration for electricity generation. Potential electricity production and greenhouse gas emission reductions have also been evaluated. The result shows that the co-production system can significantly improve the efficiency of poor methane-air mixtures in coal mines. Practical significance: The joint use of lean methane and biogas from straw offers practical advantages both economically, ensuring sufficient energy supply in mines, and as a foundation for broad future prospects. It allows for energy cost reduction and environmental pollution reduction, such as decreasing carbon dioxide emissions.

Coalbed methane, methane-air mixtures, biogas, power generation, resource conservation, emission reduction, low-carbon systems
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