Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article addresses the issues related to the possibility of using advanced technologies for real-time management of automotive traffic flows on routes. Modern directions of research in the field of traffic flow management have been analyzed. The article discusses the issues of economic efficiency of passenger enterprises in the context of modern challenges, as well as highlights the peculiarities of monitoring and dispatching processes for automotive transport using the example of the main routes map of Donetsk city. Modeling of the core functions and development mechanisms of passenger transport enterprise management has been carried out. The importance of automated systems and information technologies in ensuring road traffic safety is emphasized. A model for optimizing urban road traffic has been proposed, aiming to address the challenges of increasing the economic stability and efficiency of automotive enterprises, regulating tariffs for municipal passenger transportation, and enhancing road traffic safety. As a result of the study, significant factors for increasing the economic impact of optimizing road traffic on passenger transport routes in urban conditions have been identified.

passenger transport, transport potential, automotive transport, municipal transport, traffic flows, automated systems, enterprise, economic effect, model, management
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