Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: The importance of developing automatic speed control systems for hump-shunting diesel locomotives is demonstrated. Using as an example a shunting diesel locomotive of Type TEM7A a mathematical description is provided of electric power transmission as a final controlling element of the automatic control system and of a train as a control object. A flow-chart of the control system is generated and the system’s principle of operation is designed so as to ensure the main requirements to the hump-shunting locomotives are met. The PI speed controller is developed with parameters that provide for a maximum second-order integral accuracy of speed control. Methods: Controller’s optimum values are found using the Monte Carlo simulation. Results: The results of a simulation modeling are presented. Practical significance: The designed control system is found to ensure a smooth transient response and to maintain a given value of speed within the range of 15 km/h when pushing over a hump or at breaking up, providing for an increased shunting capacity of new generation hump yards featuring shunting control systems.

Speed, shunting diesel locomotive, control system, electrical power transmission, optimization, integral inaccuracy, modeling
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