from 01.01.2012 to 01.01.2022
Russian Federation
Purpose: To assess the prospects for the development of new forms of joint consumption of transport services in Russian cities, as well as the development of scientifically sound recommendations for companies implementing such projects. Methods: To achieve the goal of the research at the first stage the methods of systemic and comparative analysis, synthesis and other methods of general scientific cognition are used. At the second stage, the authors use the method of interviewing by means of questionnaires of potential clients, summary and grouping of the obtained results, statistical analysis of the structure of the responses received. The information base of the study has been the materials of open sources, periodicals, as well as Internet resources, including open data of the official sites of carsharing companies. Results: The main scientific result is the evaluation of the prospects of "people's" carsharing in Russia, taking into account the place and role of this business model in the strategic documents, as well as the results of processing the questionnaires of potential customers of such a transportation service. The main factors hindering the development of the business model of "people's" carsharing in the cities of the Russian Federation, as well as the directions of development of such transportation services have been determined. Practical significance: As a result of the study, the authors have formed practical recommendations for companies implementing such projects, as well as for the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation responsible for transport services. The possibilities of stimulating the initiative of "people's" carsharing are determined.
Urban transport, passenger transport, shared consumption, passenger transportation, transport services market, transport economy, carsharing
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