Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Purpose: To calculate heat losses in the combined filter-compensating unit and to assess the possibility of using air cooling. Methods: Mathematical and computer modeling are used to calculate heat losses of combined filter-compensating unit with regard to the main parameters of the converter. Results: The paper presents schemes and the main differences of reactive power compensation installations, used nowadays on the electrified sections of railroads. The calculation of thermal losses of combined filter-compensating installation with regard to the main parameters of the Static Var Generator (SVG) converter on the basis of IGBT transistors has been performed. In the software package ANSIS 18.2 a simulation model of the converter cabinet has been developed and the thermal calculation of the cooler has been performed. Practical significance: Results of calculation of thermal losses confirmed the possibility of using air cooling in the presented combined filter-compensating unit with capacity up to 15 Mvar.
Combined filter-compensating unit, reactive power compensation device, reactive power compensation, static reactive power generator, calculation of heat losses, IGBT transistor, heat losses, air cooling
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