Purpose: Meta-analysis of data on the dynamics of dangerous natural phenomena in developing countries that experience the consequences of climatic changes occurring on a global scale. Methods: The contribution of BRICS to global greenhouse gas emissions based on an array of statistical data for the period from 1990 to 2019 has been evaluated. The total emissions of all types of greenhouse gases in BRICS countries from 1990 to 2019 is 391.91 GtCO2, while the contribution of the BRICS countries in 2019 amounted to 52.2% of the global emissions of greenhouse gases. Results: Dynamics of such natural disasters such as floods, waves of heat and cold, droughts, landslides, hurricanes in BRICS from 1990 to 2019 have been determined. A description of the most destructive emergency situations in the countries of the BRICS 2021 is given. Practical significance: Justification of the need to limit global warming caused by human activities, which requires limiting the cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases. Anthropogenic removal of CO2 can potentially remove CO2 from the atmosphere and preserve it in natural tanks for a long time. The complex nature of the climatic system determines a wide scatter in forecasts, but even minimal predicted changes can lead to large-scale natural emergency situations. In the BRICS it is advisable to make efforts to mitigate the climate change, stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent a dangerous anthropogenic effect on the climatic system, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, intensify activities aimed at adaptation to adverse consequences of climate change and promote cooperation in the countries research activities and systematic observations of the climatic system.
Climate change, carbon absorption, greenhouse gases, sustainable development, dangerous natural processes
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