Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Review of the algorithm for assessing the residual life of the lithium iron phosphate battery in the process of functional diagnostics of the electric energy storage device, based on the measurement of disturbing influences of current pulsations. Methods: Using the result of previously conducted experimental studies on the measured parameters of the lithium-ion battery pack when working with the electric energy converter, a set of statistic data is assumed, which by means of the described algorithm will produce an estimate of the remaining life of the battery cell. Results: The software algorithm for functional diagnostics of the lithiumion battery pack when working in the direct current link with the frequency converter based on the previously conducted physical experiment that collected statistical parameters of the lithium-ion battery pack in operation is considered. Practical significance: The conducted review of the statistical data of the investigated storage device gives the possibility to carry out functional diagnostics of the current resource state of the lithium-ion battery pack.

Lithium-ion battery pack, functional diagnostics, software, diagnostic algorithm
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