Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: The study of water quality indicators of surface water bodies of the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region using laboratory studies, as well as the assessment of the ecological state of water sources based on various integral characteristics of surface water pollution. To determine the quality indicators of surface waters for cultural and household purposes in the laboratory. Assess the ecological state of a polluted reservoir based on the calculated integral indicators: the reservoir pollution index, the trophic state assessment index and the specific combinatorial index of surface water pollution. Consider possible options for improving the environmental situation of the studied water bodies. Methods: Water sampling from five water bodies of the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region for further laboratory studies. Analysis of selected samples from water sources to determine the composition of surface water for the presence of pollutants and water quality parameters using standardized methods. Comparison of the obtained results with the norms of maximum permissible concentrations for given indicators. Results: It has been established that in three of the five studied water bodies, excesses of the standard values for several indicators are found. One of the polluted water sources, the Vuoksa River, has been selected for further calculation of integral indicators of surface water quality. An assessment of the ecological state of this water body is given according to three calculated indicators. Measures have been proposed to improve the environmental situation of water bodies in the region. Practical significance: It is shown that the insufficiently studied water bodies of the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region generally meet the quality standards for surface waters, however, some objects still belong to the category of moderately polluted, which requires further in-depth study of their condition in order to prevent an increase in pollution.

Water body, surface waters, pollution, hydrochemical indicator, integral quality indicator, water body pollution index, specific combinatorial pollution index, trophic state index, water quality class
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