Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Substantiation and development of an innovative service center for providing personal protective equipment for employees of transport enterprises. Analysis of the correlation of cases of occupational injury due to the non-use of special clothing and special protection and consideration of issues related to the need to create service centers for the storage, issuance, and cleaning of personal protective equipment. Methods: Research and analysis of regulatory documentation regulating the use and provision of personal protective equipment for employees of transport enterprises on the example of the Open Joint Stock Company “Russian Railways”. Application of the results of the statistical method of analyzing the dynamics of occupational injuries for organizational and technical reasons. Results: The functionality of service centers is proposed for consideration, as well as a brief justification of their necessity. Conclusions about the prospects of the proposed innovation are drawn. Practical significance: It is shown that the creation and implementation of service centers at railway transport enterprises will reduce the level of occupational injuries caused by the non-use of personal and collective protective equipment or the use of PPE of inadequate quality, as well as reduce the cost of premature disposal of workwear due to high-quality cleaning and repair, which in general will contribute to raising the quality of services rendered to employees of railway transport enterprises to a new level.

Injury, accident, special clothing, special shoes, personal protective equipment, service center, costs, production factors
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