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Abstract (English):
Purpose: When reconstructing gravity sewer networks laid in urban and rural environments, various technologies can be used. Trenchless repairs, which are actively used in a built-up area, subsequently affect the capacity of networks, while the hydraulic characteristics of the flow depend on the accepted technology of work. Assessment of hydraulic characteristics of gravity sewer pipelines depending on the chosen method of carrying out their trenchless repair is the purpose of the study. Methods: Analytical determination of hydraulic flow characteristics in gravity pipelines after their repair by various trenchless methods and comparison of the results obtained. Results: The analysis of the obtained results shows that after reconstruction in various ways, the hydraulic parameters of the pipelines may change and not meet regulatory requirements. The necessity of carrying out analytical calculations at the stage of choosing a method for trenchless repair of gravity sewer networks is shown. Practical significance: The results of the work are recommended to be taken into account when choosing trenchless technologies for repairing gravity sewer pipelines.

Operation, gravity sewer pipelines, reconstruction, trenchless repair, hydraulic characteristics
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