Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To consider the possibility of using modern innovative coating materials, and in particular ETFE film, in the enclosure structures when designing public buildings in different natural and climatic conditions, with the example of regions with hot climates. Method: Generalization of design principles, including those for hot climates. Analysis of climatic parameters of hot climate regions which have a significant impact on comfortable conditions of people staying in public buildings, characterized by multifunctionality, large spatial dimensions, high occupancy rates, and other factor s. To show the possibility of providing favorable conditions for people staying in such buildings in different ways: through planning and design; improvement of adjacent areas; the location of the building. To carry out the analysis of domestic and foreign experience of application of means of sun protection of buildings. To develop space-planning and structural solutions of the exhibition complex. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed solution through a computational study. Results: The results of the research of a range of measures aimed at improving the conditions for comfortable stay of people in the exhibition complexes are presented. The constructive solution of sun protection of the exhibition complex taking into account physical and mechanical properties of the membrane system and climatic conditions of the construction areas has been proposed. Practical significance: The versatility of using dome structures as enclosures is demonstrated. The advantage of using innovative covering materials as an alternative to traditional materials is shown.

Hot climate, exhibition complex, microclimate, sun protection, dome structures, membrane system
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