Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To determine modern innovative composition of organizational-technological documentationat large transport facility construction. To hold the analysis of branch regulatory-technical documentation,relevant self-regulatory organization requirements. To define classification and specifics of the constructionof new types of large transport facilities which for, organizational-technological documentation is developed.To determine the relevance and practical applicability of documentation as a part of WPP (work productionprojects). To outline the basics of the preparation of transport facility construction organization which comprisesproduction-economic, technological and managerial infrastructure of contractor construction organizations,defines the system of relations between relevant subdivisions of general- and sub-contracting constructionalenterprises. Methods: Questionnaire and expert survey of engineering-technical workers of constructionalorganizations. Expert evaluation of production documentation, probabilistic modeling at the evaluation ofproduction processes, methods of multi-criteria evaluation of organizational-technological documentationvariants. Results: Main requirements to organizational-technological documentation composition for newtypes of modern transport construction facilities are formulated. Foundations for branch methodologicaldocuments on organizational-technological preparatory of work of contracting construction organizations havebeen developed. Practical significance: Efficiency improvement of large transport facility construction. Onthe basis of innovative organizational-technological solutions, prime cost of constructive-installing works isreduced and construction time is cut.

Work production project, organizational-technological documentation, construction organization system
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