Russian Federation
Purpose: To analyze the development of the transport complex of the Russian Federation under the pressure of sanctions in 2022 from unfriendly countries in many aspects of our life. Previously, we have already considered the impact of the US and Western European sanctions on the development of the transport complex of the Russian Federation [1]. Now we can draw some conclusions about the development of the situation and consider the following questions: what ways have been found to overcome a difficult situation; how has the economy of the transport industry changed in 2022 and the beginning of 2023; what prospects lie ahead of the industry in the future? Methods: Comparison of the characteristics of the state and development of various main types of transport industry in 2022 with the indicators of the previous period of 2020-2021. Results: It is shown that since the end of February 2022, after the start of the special military operation, the Russian Federation has been under strong pressure in the form of a number of sanctions, mainly from the United States and Western Europe. The sanctions have greatly affected the Russian transport complex: a shortage of spare parts for cars, the inability to import by rail and the closure of airspace. Currently , new details are emerging almost every day related to the introduction of additional sanctions, their consequences, as well as facts confirming the increasing resilience of the Russian transport industry to these sanctions. Practical significance: The necessity of further analysis of the facts confirming the stability of the Russian transport industry in the face of new challenges and global pressure on the Russian economy of unfrie ndly Western countries and the United States is shown.
Sanctions, transport complex, aviation transport, railway transport, freight transportation
1. Bushuev N. S. Vliyanie sankciy SShA i Zapadnoy Evropy na razvitie transportnogo kompleksa Rossii / N. S. Bushuev, K. P. Muhina // Infrastruktura transporta. - 2021. - № 2(2). - S. 5-9.
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