Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the main principles of operation and advantages of using unmanned aerial vehicles as an additional means of monitoring road traffic, analyzing and predicting traffic jams in real-time, as well as serving as a system for monitoring and assessing the condition of road surfaces and infrastructure. Particular attention is paid to the use of small unmanned aerial vehicles as an active complex for ensuring transportation safety. The possibilities of a three-channel monitoring system (visible, infrared, and radio-technical ranges) for determining the coordinates, characteristics, speeds, and a valid registration of a vehicle are considered. The advantages of the proposed method are described, such as increasing the accuracy and speed of information processing, the possibility of reducing costs for transport control. In particular, the article describes the methods of using radio-frequency identification tags to improve the efficiency of traffic management, prevent traffic congestion, optimize routes, and reduce the risks of dangerous road situations. The article presents a prospective application of infrared cameras for detecting and preventing accidents, analyzing traffic density and driver behavior. A research study has been conducted to explore the possibility of using the aforementioned methods in parallel with unmanned aerial vehicles to propose the development of a fully automated system for monitoring and controlling road transport. The relevance of using a small unmanned aerial vehicle to improve the quality of monitoring road traffic and traffic safety is presented.

unmanned aerial vehicle, methods of transport recognition, radio frequency identification of objects, navigation parameters, measurement complex layout, flight route, object recognition, safe road
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