Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Experimental determination of vertical dynamic forces of wheel impact on a rail at ballastless construction of railway track RHEDA2000 upper structure with subsequent analysis of obtained data; definition of main factors affecting vertical dynamic force value; identification of dependence of change in the value of wheel vertical dynamic force impact on a rail from motion speed and rolling stock type; calculation of coefficients of vertical dynamics at ballastless construction of rail upper structure. Methods: Measurement of wheel vertical dynamic force impact on a rail was carried out by strain-gauge method (Schlumpf method). Numerical values of those, obtained in the course of experiment, were processed by mathematical statistics method, in its turn, probability level was taken equal to 0.994. Results: The values of vertical dynamic forces of wheel impact on a rail for ballastless structure of RHEDA2000 type at rolling stock different types and various ranges of motion speed have been determined. The dependence of change in the value of wheel vertical dynamic force impact on a rail from motion speed and rolling stock type has been graphically built. Comparison of vertical dynamics coefficients of ballastless construction of railway RHEDA2000 upper structure with the construction of a track on a ballast has been carried out. Practical significance: The obtained results can be used in projection, construction, reconstruction and repair of railway track where track ballastless upper composition is provided.

Ballastless track, vertical dynamic forces, Schlumpf method, RHEDA2000 ballastless structure, strain gauge method, vertical dynamics coefficient
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